"We have to keep in mind that everything can be counterfeit," Cpl. Richard Faucher told the Packet & Times. Faucher went on to admit that while flat irons aren't the usual seizure for his force, they must be taken seriously, as they can cause injury.
As with many counterfeit electrical products, the flat irons contained cheap, poorly made electrical connections that could "malfunction and could cause a fire.''
Even if a fake item doesn't go on the fritz, myauthentics.com warns that there are other side effects to using such products. Hair straightening irons in particular give off a great deal of heat, and counterfeit versions of these items could reach temperatures dangerously higher than company-tested products, burning the hair and skin.
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hi, i'm so glad i came across your blog. do you think you can tell me where i can report fake clothing? like Rocawear, and also as ironic as this may sound giving their track record: FOREVER21!? seriously lol i know of a store that sells fake F21 clothing...that's low.
If Farouk USA did not jack-up the prices of their CHI products to such obscenely high levels (after having them made extremely cheaply in China...can you spell G-R-E-E-D?) the Chinese wouldn't have incentive to copy them.
That's what they get for putting Americans out of work and doing business with China!!
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