Friday 17 August 2007

How to Spot a Fake Pearl

Pearl necklace
Originally uploaded by tanakawho
I'll admit it--I own some fake pearls. But they are fake as in "costume jewelry" and not as in knockoff x-designer necklace with some curious cc's on it (you know the necklace. Not that I wouldn't mind an original of that!) There's no harm in buying fun costume jewelry--it's a cheap and easy way to update and expand your wardrobe. But it's good to know how to spot a fake pearl so you don't get hoodwinked at the jewelry store.

The Blog Bulletin had this great post about how to spot a fake pearl, which includes giveaways like the weight of the necklace. Usually, the real thing is considerably heavier.

I also enjoyed Absolute Pearl's "Tips for buying a Pearl Necklace," which gives advice on the meaning of each size, and e-Zine's "A Timeless Beauty," which reminds us that Romans thought pearls were tears of Venus. That Venus! Even her sadness is beautiful!

Whoever said diamonds are a girls best friend clearly never saw this picture:
Image courtesy of Beads by Mail.

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